The exercises for these lessons were done with Android Studio Version 3.3.
1. Welcome to Android Studio
First, open Android Studio. You should see this window. Go ahead and click "Start a new Android Studio Project". An Android Studio Project typically means the code and files for one Android Application.
2. Choose your Project
On the next page you will be presented with several device platform tabs, each with different templates for adding an Activity.
From the "Phone and Tablet" tab choose "Empty Activity," and click "Next" again.
3. Configure Android Project
For this app use this configuration:
Name: Dice Roller Package: Project location: < Your choice of where to save this project on your computer > Language: Java Minimum API: leave the default values
We've decided to build this project for "Phone and Tablet" with Minimum SDK of API 19. As of the time we wrote this course, that gave us 95.3% coverage of devices and allowed us to have support for many modern features.
Remember that you can use the "Help me choose" link to see the Android Platform/API Version distribution to see the percentage of active devices running with each API.
Finally, click "Finish" to create your Dice Roller project.
Depending on your computer and network speed, it might take a minute to set up and build your project.
4. Run Your App
Take a USB Cable(Your Charging Cable) and Connect it to your PC and your android phone. Now in Your Android Device Go to> Settings> About Phone> Now Click on Build Number 7 to 8 time > Congrats You are a Developer now!!
When you connect your device, you should see a pop-up on the phone asking to allow USB debugging. You can tick the "Always allow" option as shown in the image to remember this computer. Click "OK".
You can now start running apps on your device.
If you still find issues during installation, please refer to this Troubleshooting Guide.
Now Your device's name is visible in the upper bar. Now click the green Triangular button to run your app on your mobile.
App On Mobile
5. Add Components to your App
Now add a TextView and Button to your activity_main.xml or just paste this given code activity_main.xml file.
What is Temperature Converter App? This free calculator is able to convert the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius, and from Celsius to Fahrenheit. The best app for school, college and work! If you are a student, it will helps you to learn temperature calculations. 1. Start Android Studio and Create new Project First, open Android Studio. You should see this window. Go ahead and click "Start a new Android Studio Project". An Android Studio Project typically means the code and files for one Android Application. 2. Choose your Project On the next page you will be presented with several device platform tabs, each with different templates for adding an Activity. From the "Phone and Tablet" tab choose "Empty Activity," and click "Next" again. 3. Configure Android Project Configure your project For this app use this configuration: Name: Temperature Converter Package : Project location : < Your choice of...
Data Binding - The Idea The big idea about data binding is to create an object that connects/maps/binds two pieces of distant information together at compile time, so that you don't have to look for it at runtime. The object that surfaces these bindings to you is called the Binding object. It is created by the compiler, and while understanding how it works under the hood is interesting, it is not necessary to know for basic uses of data binding. Data Binding and findViewById findViewById is a costly operation because it traverses the view hierarchy every time it is called. With data binding enabled, the compiler creates references to all views in a <layout> that have an id, and gathers them in a Binding object. In your code, you create an instance of the binding object, and then reference views through the binding object with no extra overhead. Data Binding Views and Data Updating data and then updating the data displayed in views is cumbersome and a source of e...
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